Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Making A Dogcision: Buying or Adopting?

Are you a dog lover who are thinking of getting a dog of your own? Are you a pack leader who want to add more dogs to your current pack? Whoever you are, if you're considering a dog to make your house merrier, I wanna give you some insights regarding where you should take your future dogs from and why. Because apparently, taking a dog in requires more thoughts than we think. Besides deciding on what kind of breed you want, you also have to think about the place to get that dog(s).
Basically, there are 2 ways of owning dogs:
  1. Buying from pet stores/breeders
  2. Adopting from animal shelters

A lot of us, mainly in Indonesia, love to buy dogs from a pet store. There are only a few who actually thinking of adopting. Well, which one is a better way to get a dog? Buying or adopting? Here are some considerations you should look into:
When you decided to get a dog, as a pet, think of the reasons WHY you want a dog. Do you want it to be your friend and companion? Do you want it to be profitable to you? Or maybe, you want a dog just because it’s so stylish and posh to own one. Think: Once you have a dog, you're fully responsible for it, you're expected to be the pack leader who could create balance in your dog's life. Having a dog means so much more than feeding and showering it with love.

First of all, for people who want a dog for companionship, and no economical or business purposes, I strongly suggest adopting. Do you know how many strayed, mistreated and neglected dogs out there? PLENTY. 
These type of dogs are usually rescued and brought to the nearest animal shelters in the neighborhood, where they’re literally waiting for their planned death. If they don’t find someone who want to take them in soon, they are scheduled to be put to death, whether in an ethical (euthanized) or unethical way (brain electrocuted). By adopting dogs from animal shelters, you have somewhat taken part in rescuing these less fortunate dogs. 
It also means less dogs killed for no reason at all. Every dog deserve a second chance. Adopting means giving them a chance to have a better, happier life as a dog. Forget the notions about how certain breed or even strayed dogs are wild and untamable, dangerous, even, for humans.  They're all wrong. 
Like Cesar Milan said, any dogs can be aggressive and dangerous if not raised correctly. Every dog can be balanced, if given the chance. At the end of the day, it's not the breed, it's the owner. 

However, we gotta admit that adopting bears its own risks too. You have so little information regarding their health or temperament issues. That’s why it’s important that you do your homework before deciding to adopt. Talk to people around you (veterinarians, dog trainers, groomers) about the local animal shelters. Professionals usually have more resources. Pick an animal shelter that is trusted, non-profit oriented, reputable, and the one that’s truly willing to help you pick a dog that suits you best. Don’t forget to ask whether the shelter is willing to take the dog back, not because you’ll throw it away someday, but just in case the dog you’ve adopted isn’t the right dog for you. 
Some animal shelters are willing, even insist upon taking the dog back if you turn out to be a ‘wrong’ owner (it’s also a sign of a great animal shelter). Don’t worry about the breed of the dogs. Even in animal shelters, there’s a big chance you’ll find the breed you’re looking for, some might even be pedigrees. But, in my honest opinion, breed doesn’t really matter. 
Finding the right dog to fit your lifestyle and capabilities, is the most vital part of adopting. Again, it's not the breed, it's the owner. What’s more, adopting is cheaper than buying from a store. Though it’s not entirely free, the fee you’ll pay is not for the shelter’s own profit, but usually to cover the cost of taking care all the rescued dogs. By adopting, you have rescued a dog, given it a new home, let it start a new, and hopefully happy-balanced life.

On the contrary, if you’re someone who raises show dogs, or even owning a dog for the sake of social status, adopting might not be a good option. You’d rather buy dogs from a pet store, who can guarantee that you get the best dog that comes with legal and official certificates. However, I personally don’t like the idea of buying from a pet store. 
But even if you decided to buy, please make sure to choose the best pet shop. Some pet shop gets the dogs through a very unethical way. Most pet shops get their pets from pet mills. What is a pet mill? A pet mill basically is a ‘factory’ of dogs. Pet mills breed dogs purely to gain maximum profits. Mothers are forced to get pregnant non-stop. 
In most cases, their welfares aren’t taken into consideration. They live just to give birth to more and more puppies. When they’re no longer needed, they’re left to die. It is that simple. When dogs are no longer profitable, they’re useless, hence gone their existence. [To learn more about pet mills, you can go to If you find similar pratices in your area, please report them to your local animal rescue organizations or the authorities.]

That’s why it’s important to be certain that you’re buying from a responsible breeder. If you want to own a pedigree, get it from a certified, responsible, and reputable breeder. From the information I gained, reputable breeders don’t send their purebred dogs to some pet stores just to live in a cage. It’s impossible. They say that you’ll see reputable breeders when you see them. You’ll know it when you see them. If you’re unsure, once again, talk to professionals. Talk to dog owners who own purebred dogs. Or go to an obedience club, talk to the people there. One thing for sure, reputable breeders have a good reputation.

To put it in a nutshell, it’s your choice whether to buy or to adopt, as both options have their own pros and cons. I strongly recommend adopting (or maybe rescuing), but if there aren’t animal shelters in your area, please buy dogs from trusted shops or, even better, a trusted breeder. I believe the procedures will be even more complicated when you buy from a reputable breeder or shops, but they will be so willing and helpful in picking the perfect dog for you. You’ll ultimately get a best friend for life. One last thing, do your homework right before deciding to own a dog, in any ways.  Again, do your homework.
Woof luck!

[ The writer never buy dogs. She always gets them for free. But she doesn't favor the idea of buying from a pet shop. She thinks that you can’t just buy one from a pet shop, you have to buy all, since they’re all usually very miserable. Rescue them all if you can. Getting a dog for free (from friends, acquaintances, relatives, families, etc. who own too many dogs or pet owners who can no longer take care of their dogs) is even a better idea than buying from some irresponsible breeders/shops. Know where you get your dogs, support your local animal shelters and animal rescue organizations, go against pet mills, make the world a better place for men's best friend.  :-) ]

By: @dephchii

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